Summer Transition Program – Rising Kindergarten Frequently Asked Questions


    Q- What is the Summer Transition Program (STP)?

    A- The Summer Transition Program is a six-week intensive academic program for rising kindergarteners.

    Q- What are the child eligibility requirements?

    – To participate, a child must be age eligible to attend Kindergarten in the upcoming school year and must meet one of eligibility requirements listed below:

    Child did not attend a Georgia’s Pre-K Program or Head Start program during the 2020 - 2021 school year OR

    Child attended a Georgia’s Pre-K or Head Start program but did not attend the entire school year OR

    Child attended a Georgia’s Pre-K or Head Start classroom utilizing a hybrid or full distance learning model of instruction during the 2020 – 2021 school year (New for Summer 2021) OR

    Child attended a Georgia’s Pre-K or Head Start program the entire school year and falls into one of the priority groups listed below:

    • Child identified as needing additional academic support

    • Dual language learner (Home language is a language other than English)

    • Foster care placement

    • Child’s family is without permanent housing (homeless as defined by McKinney-

      Vento Homeless Assistance Act)

    • Child has an Individual Education Program (IEP)

      – Is there an income eligibility requirement to participate in STP?

      – Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ educational and social and emotional experiences this school year, the Summer Transition Program income eligibility requirement will be suspended for summer 2021. Suspending the income eligibility requirement will allow the program to serve more students.page1image3385432688 page1image3385432944

    – What documentation is needed to enroll a child in STP?

    – The following documents are required for a child to enroll in STP. Other documentation will be requested upon enrollment into the program.

    • Proof of age eligibility

    • Proof of Georgia residency

    • Documentation to support one of the eligibility priority groups

      Q- What are the program requirements for the STP?

      – The Summer Transition Program is funded and designed to include the following for each classroom:

    • Maximum of 12 students in each classroom

    • One lead teacher and one assistant teacher (ratio of 1 adult to 6 students)

    • 6.5 hour instructional day

    • Transition Coach to assist with family education and transition services

      Q- What is the role of the Transition Coach?

      – The Transition Coach
      minimum of one family workshop/engagement activity per week.

      Q- What curriculum is used during STP?

      – STP teachers should use the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS) to plan instructional activities. Programs may utilize the curriculum approved for their Georgia’s Pre-K class to supplement instruction.

      Q- What are the required days of service?

      A- The Summer Transition Program is a six-week (29 Instructional days) program offered in June and July. The proposed start date is June 7, 2021; however, providers may choose a start date that meets the needs of the families they serve. After funding is awarded, each provider will submit a calendar into PANDA for approval.









    2023-2024 PRE-K REGISTRATION

    Quitman County School District

    Pre-K Registration



    Quitman County Pre-K program is committed to providing a quality early childhood education program.  It is open to students who are four years old on or before September 1, 2023. All parents or legal guardians should bring to the registration their proof of address, birth certificate, immunization record (Georgia form 3221), Certificate of vision, hearing and nutrition(form 3300) and a copy of the child's social security card.

    *Proof of Address - Current utility bill or one of the following documents:

    • Valid residential lease or rental agreement
    • Current property tax statement
    • Property deed
    • Settlement statement for the home

    Applications are available at Quitman County Board of Education, 215 Kaigler Road, Georgetown, Georgia 39854, or we can e-mail or fax to you.


    Dena Brooks


    Quitman County School District 

    Pre- K Project Director






    The Quitman County School System has one Georgia Lottery funded Pre-K classes. Our program provides a full day (6.5 hours) of appropriate instructional services to students for the regular school calendar year. The purpose of the Pre-K Program is school readiness and preparing students for a smooth transition to Kindergarten for success in later school years.

    • A child's readiness for school is when...
    • possible health barriers that obstruct learning have been detected,
    • suspected physical or mental disabilities have been addressed,
    • enthusiasm, curiosity, and persistence toward learning is demonstrated,
    • feelings of both self and others are recognized,
    • social and interpersonal skills are emerging,
    • communication with others is effective,
    • early literacy skills are evident, &
    • common knowledge about the world, things, places, events, and people has been acquired.

    The Pre-Kindergarten teacher is a certified that provides instructional activities and learning experiences in the areas of language/literacy, math, social/emotional development, science, social studies, health/physical development and art/creative expressions using a Georgia Pre-K approved curriculum that is aligned to the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS) . A maximum of twenty (22) students receive services in the class.

    If additional information about Quitman County Pre-Kindergarten is needed, please contact Mrs. Amye Murdock at 229-334-4298, ext. 104 or ayme.murdock@quitman.k12.ga.us

    Pre-K Director- Dena Brooks -brooksd@quitman.k12.ga.us

    Lead Teacher-

    Robin Redding- robin.thompson@quitman.k12.ga.us

    Assistant Teacher-  Brittany Davis- brittany.davis@quitman.k12.ga.us